• Question: Why do teenagers get moody with puberty?

    Asked by nsweeney774 to Sara on 17 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sara Imari Walker

      Sara Imari Walker answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Great question! The classic answer is sex hormones. But it seems it might be a little more complicated than that. For one, teens brains change rapidly when puberty sets in. The prefrontal cortex (the region that controls complex decision making and personality) enters a period of increased activity – with new connections being made between brain cells. New brain cells also grow in certain regions of the brain. All this activity may contribute to fluctuating moods. Additionally, on the hormone story side, puberty brings increased production of testosterone and estrogen which both can cause moodiness. So, basically there’s a lot going on in our bodies during puberty so it is no wonder we get a little moody!!
