• Question: I'm learning organic chemistry at the moment, what intrests you in organic chemistry?

    Asked by priya to Julia on 20 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Julia Griffen

      Julia Griffen answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      I like organic chemistry because I find it logical and easy to learn… You learn set of rules, e.g reaction mechanisms or reagents or functional groups. and when you come across it again you recognise the pattern and can predict results. I also really like the practical side of organic chemistry. Its the most practical chemistry out of the three. (organic, inorganic and physical). Physcial is mostly based around measurements and analysising things, lots of maths. Inorganic is mixing things usually using metals. But organic for me anyway is mixing separating and analysing.. very practical.. I like to think of it as complicated cookery!
      Organic synthesis is stongly related to making new compounds and medicines which my research is based around…
