• Question: Are you a hybrid of Julia Roberts and peter griffin? If so, what is a hybrid? and how is stewie? Thanks!

    Asked by ingrid to Julia on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Julia Griffen

      Julia Griffen answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      HI ingrid… You have brightened up my morning with the question.. It’ll keep me giggling all day 🙂

      If I was a hybrid of Julia Roberts, maybe I’d have really good acting skills and be and a be a cartoon character.

      Basically a hybrid is a mix of two different components or characterises that work towards a similar result.
      e.g a hybrid car has both a petrol and a electric motor that work together to drive the car.
      e.g it could be the offspring of two different species e.g the liger or tigron..

      I hope this make sense.. have a good day 🙂
